baby-boom generation

美 [ˈbeɪbi buːm ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn]英 [ˈbeɪbi buːm ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn]
  • 网络婴儿潮一代;婴儿潮世代
baby-boom generationbaby-boom generation
  1. They are part of the baby-boom generation .


  2. The impact will become even clearer in 2012 when the first members of the 1947-49 baby-boom generation hit 65 .


  3. A member of a baby-boom generation . The baby boom swelled the population .


  4. A member of a baby-boom generation .


  5. The two groups of the population that are growing fastest are the over-55s and the so-called echo boomers , the grandchildren of the baby-boom generation .


  6. As the US and Europe struggle to come to terms with the aftermath of a bubble economy , rising public debt and the retirement of the baby-boom generation , they should look to Japan with respect .


  7. The finding calls to mind child-bearing patterns in the 1970s and 1980s among older members of the baby-boom generation , some of whom passed up having children because of the pressures of executive jobs .
